Monday, October 27, 2008


Halloween Party Saturday.
Me and Christy

Man that kinda creeps me out even though I know it's me.

Belle Bill and Tonka at Jason Field of dreams

Belles gotta boyfriend

Couple of Bitches

Good pic of Bill and Belle


Melody! said...

I must say that Christy looks much better in person.

Melody! said...

I must put your blog on my "friends" blogs' list! I will do this now!

Billy has been doing nothing but dreaming of dreamy Belle! I hope you got his mustiness off! Not to mention his spittle!

Tonka is all nonchalant about the whole thing! Just another day at the love office for him!

Sorry I was not more funner! I am feeling a tad under the weather and might be going to the doctor's!

Melody! said...

Hey babe. What's shakin'?

Brad Jackson said...

Yeah that mask is kinda scary. Belle Sez thanks for the add Mel Bitches for life, and I hopes you feel better. Tonka I think I likes you --blush--:)

Anonymous said...

Whadda ya say there, Liver Lips. Can't ride w/ you Sat. but I'll hold that front wheel for you since you expressed "wanting it". Just pick it up Sun. or next week at your convenience. Just call me and let me know when you want to pick it up... alright there sweet Charlie. Later bitches. peace hug kiss