Thursday, February 21, 2008

You want a piece of my jungle style?

So just been schooling it up a notch and riding as much as possible. Got a DVR and some digital channels including VS network so I have been enjoying being able to watch the Tour of California. I failed my first test in my routing class and have done pretty bad on 2 quizzes. I need to get my stuff together and get my head in the game. That being said this weekend will be the start of 2 research papers one of the rough drafts is due by Feb. 29 so I need to whip something together for that pretty fast. If anyone has any information on Virtual Private Networks it would be much appreciated. I went riding yesterday it was cold and windy but I could not resist the sunshine though it got cloudy about 30 min in.

This was from my Tuesday ride. Climbing these hills while holding the camera with one hand, and one hand on the bars is difficult. It's not just because I can't climb. I'm not the best climber but I have come along way from the 1 pack of smokes a day for 10 years, to the cyclist that doesn't get dropped as much as he used to. Excuse the quality I was getting tired.

A video I took a while ago had a nice tailwind going. Im addicted to taking videos for some reason.

Who's ready for the Wednesday night ride? I can't wait.


Melody! said...

I really like taking videos too.
I want to learn to use more of my puter's vid editing features. When listening to music while riding I sometimes think I am in a video or have ideas for videos.

Brad Jackson said...

I wish that youtube didn't ruin the quality though. Trying to ride and hold the camera steady is tough. Especially going uphill.