Thursday, December 27, 2007

I've lost the Christmas spirit.

So I went to the Martin Center to day for an x-ray of my colon. As I did research the procedure (barium enima) online I found that they basically shove a tube into the rectum and disperse barium fluid and then blow up a ballon so the barium stays in, so they can take pictures. So I get there and they had me drink the barium so I asked the nurse if they were going to be putting this liquid anywhere else and she said no. I was releived and assumed that they must just do the same test a different way. Turns out they were taking pictures of my upper gi tract instead of my lower which I had scheduled for Monday. Wouldn't be such a big deal except for yesterday I had to do a bowel cleansing which all I could eat was chicken broth, flavored jello(no red), soda(which gave me most of my calories), and black coffee. It was horrible I think I had about 300 to 400 calories all day yesterday, also going to the restroom every five minutes. So basically I did all that for no reason and probably have to do it again Sunday, unless they found out whats causing my stomach problems from the procedure today. Which my doctors office has but wont give to me cause he is out of town till the 2nd and if I wait to do the barium enima after Monday I will have to pay my insurance deductable. I wish my pain would just freakin go away looking forward to riding again. Sorry for bitchin just fed up. Good Day


Anonymous said...

First of all I hope you start feeling better real soon.

Those docs are just running a bunch of unnecessary tests on you just to get them to service you. Bunch of unethical jack-offs wanting to bring in the money.

Also, it sounds like this whole problem started when that jack-leggared doctor prescribed you an antibiotic when you didn't even need it. Immediately after taking the antibiotic you started getting the stomach/intestinal problems.

Did you try that one stuff I told you about?

You might want to get a blood test done just in case it's a deeper issue.

If this shit don't subside after awhile then meet with me and I'll punch you in the stomach. I won't charge you for it. That will fix the problem. At first it will hurt real bad and drop you but it will cure that shit.

I've dropped a few from my body shots but not as a medical procedure. I'm proud to say they are devastating.

Melody! said...
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Melody! said...

Yeah. I hope you feel better too.
You took antibiotics? They kill the good stuff in your GI tract. Look into getting a wide spectrum probiotic at the health food store. It is something you should take regularly anyhow so you absorb all foodstuffs to take advanage of your hard training. Or I could punch you in the stomach.

Brad Jackson said...

I did do some blood tests checked out fine. Maybe I should just let you mother fathers punch me in stomach wouldn't hurt to try....wait yes it would. But I would much rather have that done than a tube stuck up my arse. Joey I am checking into that raw apple cider vinagar they have some at GNC. I will nver take antibiotics again thats my word bitches.