Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Note to self

Do not donate blood on Tuesday, and then try the Wednesday night hammer fest.


Anonymous said...

You fuckin' jackass.

Anonymous said...

Brad Jackson said...

Good stuff I listened to a bunch more of the jerky. Are you calling me a jackass for riding after I gave blood or just in general? Jackass

Melody! said...

Ha ha all the way around!

Joey, Did I see you last Tues before sunset on 190 whatever?

Anonymous said...


Giving blood and a subsequent ride. But I was just kidding. But at least you know what altitude sickness feels like...weakness, disorientation, headache, nausea, etc.


Yes indeed, but I did not realize it was you until we passed. I would have stopped to talk but I fiqured we both were trying to beat the dark. Plus I was tired from an endurance ride and I just wanted keep my rhythm going and make it back home before Mothman could get me.

Brad Jackson said...

"You got three pints of Bradley in ya buddy."

Anonymous said...

That's a great Kramer statement.

Melody! said...

Ya Joey. We were two men on their separate missons. It seems as though I am always on a mission and rarely turn around for anyone.

To think I was all worried when I had blood work done a week before the Dogwood...they took a whole 3tbsp!

Anonymous said...

Mike I wanted to ask you about your Selle SMP. Is that an Evolution? How do you like it? I know saddles are an individual thing. I'm thinking of getting either the Evolution or the slightly more padded Stratos since I have a boney ass. Plus the Stratos is 3 mm wider than the Ev. I think I have narrow sit bones so I'm not sure whether to get the Ev. or opt for the Strat. Do you have narrow sit bones?