Sunday, February 10, 2008


Today was very eventful. Me and the wife attended church this morning. The 9:30 service instead of the 11:00 we were running late and I said, "maybe were not cut out for this early morning service". Mainly because we are never late anywhere I guess we are just going to get used to it. Then at 1:00 I went to jam with my brother at the percussion shop. He plays drums and I play a hybrid guitar with 3 bass strings and 5 guitar strings.
I actually have not played in quite some time so I was pretty rusty. Then I came home and studied and then studied some more and then rode my trainer and studied. Did I mention I hate to study.

Yesterday's Dogwood ride with Roger and Scott. We had to stop here because Scott had a puncture in his rear tire. Yet he still beat me up Union Hill.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't ride Doggy w/ you. My body has been taxed the past 2-3 weeks so I felt I may have been a burden riding with you guys. I'm hoping to break through this rut. I should be ready in time for the beginning of the race year. I should be able to ride Doggy in the next few weeks...maybe this weekend if I can just break through

Brad Jackson said...

Didn't miss much except for the brutal wind and Scott tearing my legs off up the climbs. When we started 125 they had to pull me most of the way, but then I got a second wind and pulled a little bit towards the end. I think we are talking about doing a different ride next time. I hope you break through this rough patch.

Melody! said...

I bet it was windy as anything on that ridge at the top of Union...there's some exposure there!

Good for Sifferman!

Brad Jackson said...

Actually it wasn't to bad there. It was worse going north on 125 for some reason it just felt like we couldn't escape from it.