Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rip it Up Dude

Of course I went riding today the weather was awesome. Took a sample video. Still trying to get the hang of taking a video while riding it's a lot harder than it sounds especially if your going up hill or downhill. Did some intervals 3x 5min. The just rode a for a while total time was about an hour and a half.

This road is just east of my house don't know what it's called if anyone knows they get a prize.

This was from yesterdays ride did 2 hours got a bloody nose, then got a turkey sandwich from Turners station. The lady at Turners station was very nice and offered to make me a compression pack for my nose. I did not except but it was a very nice thing to do. The sandwich was so good mmmmmmmmmmmm.


Melody! said...

Turners turkey alfresco!

Brad Jackson said...

I've been dreaming of it ever since.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had sex with it.

Brad Jackson said...


Anonymous said...

Since it's a turkey then technically it can be classified as beastiality.
