Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Jip Jow

So since Saturday my right foot has been hurting. I actually ran three miles on it Monday night and it felt good while I was running, but walking made it hurt. So I have decided to go see the doctor today. I know it's not the bone so I'm thinking it is a tendon or some kinda vein or some shiznat. When I lift my toes up with my foot flat on the ground I can tell something is not right, it's like something in the bottom of my foot moves. But actually today it doesn't feel as bad. I guess I need to know if I should stay off of it or try to work it out. My presentation in my Networking class went pretty well I got an 87 out of 100%. I was told that I read from my powerpoint a little to much but overall I'm happy with my grade. Now I just have to get through finals. Today I started my computer build in my computer hardware class. Took everything out and now it is just an empty shell. Actually I put the motherboard, power supply, cd-rom drive, and dvd-rom drive back in. So hopefully when I get everything put back in it will boot up with no errors otherwise I get points taken off. To DAD Semper Fidelis To Joey Defensor Fortis


Anonymous said...

Just punch your foot--it will feel better afterwards. That will straighten it out. I do this sometimes to parts of my body whenever there is a problem. It works.

Coincidently my left foot has been giving me problems but it's not as bad lately. Sometimes it feels swollen and other times it's just like I have something in my shoe. It's near the ball of my foot. It could be a calcium deposit building up there but I don't know why the right foot has not been bothered. I suspect it's from riding. But I don't let it deter me, rather I just keep riding. Fuck it.

The worst thing to do is stop being active. Usually the body adapts and takes care of itself.

Defensor Fortis

Joey B.

Brad Jackson said...

I saw you on the way to my doctors appointment riding on 186. I was gonna stop but would have been late. Doctor said it's tendonitis no more running for me for a little while.