Tuesday, January 20, 2009


1. Ride tempo in the off season.
2. Ride the terrain.
3. Use perpetuem as a paste and not a drink.
4. It's not peanut butter jelly time before a ride.
5. Never use room temperature day old perpetuem paste.
6. Never feed your dog grapes.
7. Being aero is the new skinny.
8. Always mix your whey recovery drink right before you ingest.
9. Don't forget to take your medicine during an EPIC ride.
10. Saving your carbon tubular or clincher wheels for special occasions is soooo 2007(SpinMO)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day two of acnoping.

First climb out of Jasper 3.5 miles.

The crown jewel that Mertz had drivn down in the 90's. From the bottom to the top just a tad over 5 miles long the first part was a little lumpy. The last mile or so was straight up. It was all I could do to keep cranking away. We agreed that we may not ever do that climb again because it just was not fun.

After that climb we did the one from Jasper to Ponca I felt good at the beginning and then about a mile in was done.

All in all it was a good couple of days the first day we did the Kingston climb, then another one south from there, and then the climb going out of Ponca twice.